Commercial Photography During Coronavirus

Copyright: Keith Osborn PhotographyWhat can I do during coronavirus to help your business?It’s a really good question. How can I, as a business offering commercial photography services in Norfolk, help my fellow local businesses during coronavirus? And it’s one I’ve been spending a lot of time asking myself recently. I’m really conscious through my own…

A Little Bit of Gardening Fun for Members

In these present, gloomy days Able Community Care is hoping to raise smiles of satisfaction as people of all ages enter our Sunflower Competition and watch their sunflowers grow from a tiny seed to a beautiful flower several feet high. In these present, gloomy days Able Community Care is hoping to raise smiles of satisfaction…
I love norfolk

I love Norfolk!

I love Norfolk!If there is one thing this temporary “house arrest” has taught me it is just how much I actually love the outdoors AND how lucky we are to live in this amazing county! Big blue skies, fields glowing with almost every colour imaginable and the lush green of the trees. The sea-side, The…

Coronavirus and the impact on local independent businesses

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Last Thursday, the government announced a range of measures – backed by scientific advice and fact – to combat the spread of coronavirus.Unfortunately, although businesses expected some knock-on effect, the public’s reaction to misinformation on social media has undermined this advice. Things have blown out of all proportion. And now, the media are fuelling the fire by publicising panic…
holiday property photography

Holiday Property Photography by Keith Osborn

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One of the reasons I love living in North Norfolk is that it’s a holiday magnet. I know – because it was holidaying in Norfolk that made me (and my wife Debbie of course) want to live here. Not that it matters, but we started in the Broads and worked our way around North and…
Becky Bushell Cruse and Paul Rowlands

Heritage Will Writers announce 2020 Charity of the Year

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Heritage Will Writers is delighted to announce that Cruse Bereavement Care is their Charity of the Year for 2020. Their fundraising will be focused on the Norfolk and Cambridgeshire areas where the company has regional offices. Heritage Will Writers Managing Director, Stuart Burrell said “We are really looking forward to working with the Cruse Bereavement…

Free HR Health Check

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With legislation and best practice changing regularly, HR policies and practices can quickly become out-of-date. Ignite can offer a customised HR Health Check for local businesses free of charge! To arrange yours simply contact us… 01603 904011
The Example Marketing team

Example Marketing Pledges to Plant 10,000 Trees

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Here at Example Marketing and Web Design, we’ve pledged to plant 10,000 tress over the coming year in a move to become a more sustainable business. Here’s why… The environment has been a topic close to my heart since I was very small. But as taking care of the planet becomes an increasingly urgent issue,…