My Kickstart Employment Journey

My Kickstart Experience

How did you find the interview process?

I found the interview process quite pleasant. I usually get nervous when it comes to interviews, but Glynn, Missy and Kerry were friendly and polite which made me feel comfortable and relaxed. The interview went really well, it was very informative and there was a good conversation flow; it was over before I knew it. Soon after the interview I got a phone call from Glynn saying I’d got the job, which definitely made my day as during the interview I felt like Buy Local Norfolk would be a great company to work for.

What were your expectations coming into the job?

I didn’t know what to expect when taking on the role. But I had an open mind and I was ready to take on whatever task I was given. I was excited to take on the position as it was a new experience for me. But after being in this role four months on, I can say it’s been the best experience I have had.

What have you been doing/learning?

To start off with, I was interacting with members’ posts on Instagram. Sharing posts we were tagged in to the Buy Local Norfolk Instagram story, commenting on posts and liking them, going through hashtags and responding to messages. I have written a few blogs about the
places I like in Norfolk. I have never had experience in writing a blog before, but it was a positive experience that I’m glad I got to have a go at. I did some research for Norfolk Day, which I did enjoy as researching is one of my strengths, and I got to learn more about our local business, which was also a bonus.

What has challenged you the most so far?

The biggest challenge I faced would be writing my first blog. I didn’t know where to start as I had never written one before. I struggled on what to mention and how to word it. But I was supported every step of the way, which gave me a lot of confidence in going forward with blogs. I now have a few already published, which I am proud about. Another challenge that
worried me was social media interaction, as I didn’t know what to comment on certain posts or how to word a message when it came to messaging new members, but I did get support from Missy – and that helped a lot.

What have you enjoyed most about your Kickstart employment so far?

I have enjoyed engaging with our members and looking more into what they do through Instagram. I have enjoyed working with my colleagues as they are friendly and helpful, which is always a bonus in the workplace, and I enjoy going to the network events. It’s nice to meet our members to hear what they have to say; it’s a welcoming atmosphere as everyone is

Do you feel that the skills you are learning will help you on your employment journey?

I think that the skills I have learnt and improved on will definitely help towards future job positions. I have learnt many new skills such as how to write a blog, social media skills, the list goes on. After this Kickstart role I feel more employable thanks to my newly gained experience and the skills I have learnt and hope to put them to use in a new position in the

Do you think the government’s Kickstart Employment Scheme is a good idea?

I personally think it’s a good idea because you learn new skills that can help you in future job
positions, as mentioned in the previous question. I also think it’s a good way to see if the role
is a position you would like to pursue in following that career path. I also think that the
Kickstart scheme is the gateway to finding a long-term or permanent employment position.
Regarding my Kickstart role as an admin assistant, it has helped me realise that I would like
to find a future job role in administration. It has also helped me gain more confidence, skills
and experience I can take with me when it comes to the next job role I take on.

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